Belajar Structure / Grammar Toefl 4


Skill 4: Perhatikan penerapan dan posisi Present Participle

Present participle yaitu Verb + ing: talking, playing, watching,dll. Bentuk present participle dapat menjadi pengecoh dalam soal tes Structure TOEFL. Present participle sanggup saja menjadi adjective (kata sifat) yang umunya menandakan subjek layaknya Appositive (lihat di sini terkena appositive) atau menjadi penggalan dari kata keja (verb) dikala di lampaui oleh be (am, is, are, was, were).
  1. The man is talking to his friend.
  2. The man talking to his  friend has a beard.
Pada kalimat pertama bentuk present participle talking yakni penggalan dari kata kerja sebab di lampaui oleh be (is). Sementara no. 2 present participle talking yakni sebuah adjective (menerangkan terkena laki-laki itu) dan bukan sebagai penggalan dari kata kerja sebab tidak di lampaui oleh be seperti kalimat pertama. Kata kerja dari kalimat ke dua yaitu has (the man has a beard).
misal kalimat di bawah ini menggambarkan bagaimana present participle sanggup menjadi pengecoh dalam test Structure TOEFL.
The child _____ playing in the yard is my son.
a) now
b) is
c) he
d) was
Pada kalimat di atas kita sanggup melihat bahwa kalimat tersebut sudah memiliki subjek (the child) dan verb (is). Makara kata present participle playing yakni sebuah adjective sehingga tidak butuh be sebelumnya. Olehnya jawabanan b) is dan d) was tidak diharapkan oleh kalimat di atas (jawabanan salah). Kalimat di atas sudah tepat sebab sudah memiliki subjek dan verb sehingga tidak butuh lagi kata kerja (is/was) atau subjek (he) sehingga c) he juga salah. Makara jawabanan paling tepat yaitu a) now (adverb).

misal soal:
    1. The companies offering the lowest prices will have the most customers.
    2. Those travelers are completing their trip on Delta should report to Gate Three.
    3. The artisans were demonstrating various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair.
    4. The fraternities are giving the wildest parties attract the most new pledges.
    5. The first team winning four games is awarded the championship.
    6. The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously.
    7. The fruits were rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying them to market.
    8. Any students desiring official transcripts should complete the appropriate form.
    9. The advertisements were announcing the half-day sale received a lot of attention.
    10. The spices flavoring the meal were quite distinctive.
    Yang diblok yakni subjek.
    Yang diblok dan digaris bawahi yakni verb (kata kerja).
    Yang dimiringkan yakni (seharusnya) present participle.

    Pada kalimat 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, dan 10 yakni bentuk kalimat yang benar (sudah terdapat subjek dan verb) beserta penerapan  present participle sudah benar.
    Pada kalimat 2, 4, 6, 9 merupkan bentuk kalimat salah sebab memiliki double verb. Seharusnya
    1. The companies offering the lowest prices will have the most customers.
    2. Those travelers are completing their trip on Delta should report to Gate Three.
    3. The artisans were demonstrating various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair.
    4. The fraternities are giving the wildest parties attract the most new pledges.
    5. The first team winning four games is awarded the championship.
    6. The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously.
    7. The fruits were rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying them to market.
    8. Any students desiring official transcripts should complete the appropriate form.
    9. The advertisements were announcing the half-day sale received a lot of attention.
    10. The spices flavoring the meal were quite distinctive.
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