Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Perihal Cartoon Film+Verbs, Experimental

Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris wacana Cartoon Film+Verbs, Experimental

Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris wacana Cartoon Film+Verbs, Experimental

ini berjudul The Effectiveness of Teaching English Verbs by Using Cartoon Film (An experimental study at the second grade of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 18 Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011).

Research Design/Method yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu An experimental study dan Research Instrument dalam mengumpulkan data memakai documentation,, dan test.

The main objective of this study is to find out the effectiveness of teaching English verbs by using cartoon films.

The method of the research is an experimental study. The data were obtained by giving test to the experiment class and control class after giving different learning to both classes. The teacher gave three times teaching to both classes.

The number of the subjects is 35 students in each class. They are VIII E is as experimental class (the students who are taught using cartoon films), VIII F is as control class (the students who are not taught using cartoon films).

The instruments used to collect the data were documentation and test. The documentation was used to get the data of students name that become respondents, syllabus lesson plan, etc. Test was used to know students competence before and after the experiment run. There are two kinds of test. They are pre-test and post-test.

After the data were collected, the writer analyzed it. The first data analysis from the beginning of control class and experiment class that taken from the pre test value. It is the normality test and homogeneity test. It is used to know that the groups are normal distributions and have some variant. Another analysis data is from the ending of control class and experiment class. It is used to prove the truth of hypothesis that has plguad.

The result of the research: the mean of English verbs score of experiment class (the students taught using cartoon film) are 74,23 and the mean of English verbs score of control class (the students taught using non-cartoon film) are 70,4 There is a difference in English verbs score between students taught using cartoon film and those taught using non-cartoon film. It is showed by the mean of experiment class is higher than control class (74, 23 > 70, 4). On the other hand, the test of hypothesis using t-test formula shows the value of the t-test is higher than the value of the t-table. The value of t-test is 2,025 while the value of t-table on α = 5% is 1,990 (2,025 > 1,990). The hypothesis is accepted.

Based on the result of this study, it is expected to be good information for many teachers especially English teachers in teaching English verbs. So that, it can enhance students who master English well

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