Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
1. Then just before we went to the airport we stopped at the Bugis street.
2. On last day we had lunch on the Orchard road.
3. On second day we went to the Merlion statue.
4. Last year my friend and I went to Singapore.
5. On the first day we went to the universal studio.
6. There we bought some gifts for friends.
7. We took. a lot of pictures around the famous statue.
8. We enjoyed a lot of rides from famous movies.
A. 4-5-3-7-8-2-1-6
B. 4-5-7-3-8-2-1-6
C. 4-5-8-3-7-2-1-6
D. 4-5-2-3-7-8-1-6
SOAL: Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraph yang padu.
PEMBAHASAN: Urutan yang paling koheren (berkesinambungan) antara kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya ditunjukkan pada pilihan C, dimana pada kalimat 5 ada pernyataan universal studio yang lalu dilanjutkan dengan kalimat 8 yang menerangkan wacana daerah tersebut.
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Recount Text SMP
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