Pengertian Dan Pola Teks Narrative Smp

Teks Narrative adalah teks yang meliputi tentang dongeng hayalan, dongeng, ataupun kisah aktual yang sudah dilebih-lebihkan. Biasanya ada nilai budbahasa yang dapat dipetik di simpulan cerita. misal narrative text bisa berupa dongeng rakyat, dongeng binatang, legenda, mitos, dongeng pendek, komik, dongeng kartun, dan lain-lain. Tujuan dari narrative text yaitu untuk menghibur pembaca. Struktur dari narrative text 
umumnya ada 3 yaitu sebagai diberikut.
  1. Orientation: meliputi pengenalan tokoh, tempat, dan waktu. Orientation berada di pertama cerita.
  2.  Complication: sebuah problem yang diangkat yang diikuti oleh masalah-masalah lain. Complication berada di pertengahan cerita.
  3. Resolution: solusi/pemecahan dari masalah. Solusi berada di simpulan cerita.
Struktur di atas ialah struktur dasar dari teks narrative yang umumnya di pakai. Serdangkan bentuk atau struktur yang lainnya dapat berbentuk:
  1. Orientation
  2. Complication
  3. Evaluation:
  4. Resolution atau juga biasa disebut solution
  5. Reorientation: epilog dari cerita
  6. Coda: perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita.
     Note: Teks narrative memakai PAST TENSE.


Long ago on the top of Mount Kinabalu in Borneo, there lived a dragon. He owned a large and beautiful pearl. People believed that he controlled the weather with it.

The emperor of China heard this and wanted the pearl. He sent his two sons, Wee Ping and Wee San to Borneo to steal it. The princes, together with one hundred soldiers, set sail for Borneo in twelve sailing junks.

When they arrived in Borneo, they set out immediately to find the famous mountain. Their journey up the rugged slopes of Mount Kinabalu proved very difficult. The dragon guarded his cave very fiercely and killed many of their soldiers.

Then Wee San had a clever idea. He climbed a tall tree, so he could see the dragon’s cave. He noted what time the dragon left his cave to hunt for food and what time he returned to it.

Next he ordered his men to make a fake pearl and a large kite. He waited until the dragon left his cave. Then he placed the fake pearl in a bag, slung it across his shoulder and flew up to the mountain-top on the kite. He exchanged the real pearl for the fake one and then his brother pulled his kite back to the ground.

The brothers quickly returned to their ships and set sail for China. They sailed safely home. The emperor was thrilled with the pearl and gave a big party to celebrate his sons’ return.

Paragraph 1 & 2: Orientation
Paragraph 3&4: Complication
Paragraph 5: Resolution
Paragraph 6: Reoriention
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