Chat Guidelines
1. You certify that you are 13 years of age or over. All individuals under the age of 13 years will need a full release form from their parents before using the chat. This is to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 2000 (COPPA). Please contact a moderator or direktur to obtain a COPPA release form if needed.
1. You certify that you are 13 years of age or over. All individuals under the age of 13 years will need a full release form from their parents before using the chat. This is to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 2000 (COPPA). Please contact a moderator or direktur to obtain a COPPA release form if needed.
2. Our number one rule is to chat in English only since this is a global chat and we want to give everyone the chance to participate. Except for the Spanish chat where you may speak in Spanish.
3. We don't approve of political or religious topics, and will generally ask you to change the subject as these topics tend to lead to arguments.
4. Please don't chat in CAPITAL letters – it looks like you are shouting.
5. It goes without saying that the use of bad language is NOT acceptable anywhere in the chat.
6. Please do NOT write contact details such as email addresses, Skype and messenger names etc in the chat. This is for your own protection. However, you may add these details to the appropriate place in your profile for your friends to see.
7. If you don't want to be ignored, use proper English. This includes capitalization, punctuation, and not using abbreviations or 1337-speak (example: hw r u?). If you are unsure of your spelling, there is online help available at Dictionary.com . Dictionary.com also provides a thesaurus, so you can try using different words in your sentences. IMPORTANT: Excessive and annoying use of improper English (example: hw r u?) is not allowed, and you will be asked to use proper English in the chat. The decision to deem something as excessive or annoying rests with the moderators.
8. We are a community – you are not alone here, please respect all other members.
9. You can believe whatever you like but please don't impose your views on others.
10. Debate, discussion, opinions are welcome. They're the foundation of any good community. The best way to know if you're crossing a line is to pay attention to the people around you.
11. If a moderator warns you, pay attention to what they are telling you. If you ignore warnings you may find yourself unable to chat.
12. In order to ensure the safety of our members, all of the chat including, public / private rooms and conversations, MAY be observed by Admin at any time.
13. The voice chat facility is to be used in English only. It is not to be used to stream music as this is an infringement of copyright.
14. Please be aware that, for the protection of all, your IP address is visible to the Moderators and Admin.
15. EMCforum team reserves the right to ban any participant from the chat rooms for violating any of the rules above. We reserve the right to edit any and all content that has been placed on englishahkam.blogspot.com.com. A user's account may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the site Administration. We reserve the right to modify these Guidelines from time to time without notice and any changes made are retroactive. (Adopted from Englishforumschat)
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